It's just like a game,and we all used to the rule.
But not everyone wants to play it well due to various reasons.
There are two kinds of players: profession and amateur.
I was once a profession player who play(+s?) impressive.
Since to the time-passing and kinds of temptations,
I am not pro. any more.
Last yeat, I viewed this game as a joke and didn't play it as what I used to.
"No pain. No gain"
Pain always exist that you simply could decide where it is.
That's what I choiced,I have to bear the result.
I still have time.
Although I can't turn it over completely.
I believe there are something deserve my effort.
And I know, it's not far from me!
(想要表達的東西無法用英文表現出來= =)
- Apr 16 Mon 2007 02:26